Some car makers see the HMI (Human-Machine-Interface) as a way to differentiate.
Hyundai for example says: “We try not to standardize because we don’t want to be cookie-cutting. The user experience is one of the ways you can differentiate”. A middleware maker states: “I have a problem thinking that a $ 45,000 car will have an Apple interface, we haven’t done our jobs if the car isn’t the unique, special thing it’s always been”.
Others consider or have already a completely different approach. They focus on customer/driver experience in a broader sense. They recognize that convenience, reliability and user-friendliness are the drivers. In a recent survey the number 1 and 2 on the consumer wish list were: Keyless driving and Bluetooth…
How many car owners have a full understanding of their current car infotainment system? It’s getting too complicated and every car has a different system. Plus after a few years it is out-dated.
Personally I tend to go for the last category: Try to standardize and stay close to the OS and apps that the customer has close to his/her body all day. Using it for not only car but as an integrated part of a connected lifestyle.