Insurance Software
A unique very flexible, scalable and powerful IT-Platform for online insurance business has been build and improved over the last 16 years by Ineas, the first international online insurance company worldwide.
The Platform is covering the full value chain of (online) insurance business and is now available for other parties in the market.
It has a modular structure and once implemented ICT-capacity is hardly needed. New products of all sorts can be configured quite easily. It’s a “ready-to-go” toolkit for insurance companies, brokers and aggregators.
It can be implemented partially or as a full insurance suite in any hosting environment, including Cloud and it can also be offered as SaaS.
In 1998 I joined Ineas and developed together with the team a platform to enable interactive insurance in a highly automated way. Driven by Ineas’
- Customer
Self-service and self-control by leveraging advanced technology - Cost
Virtual insurance enterprise with fully automated processes allowing low cost operations - Control
Real Time MI for immediate analyzing and adjusting business
Core Design Features (CDF’s)
- Multi-country-currency-language-channel
- Rapid roll-out to new products, brands or countries
- Fast time-to-market (initial + changes)
- New product 2-6 weeks development/configuration time
- Simple changes (incl. price) can be done overnight
- Covering the whole value chain (web based virtual enterprise)
- Integrated rule engines, work flows and scoring
- Customer in control but allowing branches, partners, call centers and support
- Easy-to-connect
- Aggregators
- External services and databases
- Corporate services and databases
- Third Party Applications (non-core, existing and best practice)
- Third Party Applications (BPO/Partners)
- Highly scalable
- Ideal for new products/brands & greenfields (also innovation lab)
- A most flexible and powerful insurance rating engine
- Dealing with simple as well as the most complicated rating models
- Includes unit testing, simulation and csv import/export
And further on
- Adaptations to meet local rules and regulations within days;
- Inherent cross-border capabilities;
- Possibility to create innovative cross-border coverages;
- Fully integrated Mobile Insurance Applications;
- Ready for Telematics Solutions and Domotics Solutions (Home Automation) and others to enable Usage Based Insurance (UBI).
The licensee is Intsure Technology Solutions (ITS), a subsidiary of Ineas Holding. As shareholder, COO and business expert I can make arrangements and take care of the project management. Together with a seasoned team experienced in implementation and maintenance in multiple countries.
Ineas started in 1996 backed by SwissRe and ran-off the international insurance portfolio in 2010/2011. From there with full focus on Consulting on Insurance Innovation and Digitization and Implementation of IT-Solutions. After Swiftcover (AXA) in the UK also Aviva decided to implement this unique and powerful IT-Platform for the development of a new low cost aggregator model for personal lines insurance and further (cross-border) roll-out. Resulting in less than 6 months from scratch in a new brand called Quotemehappy in 2011 and in 2013 General Accident. The platform is also used for Zeklik, an owned broker for travel insurance in the Baltics with Seesam as carrier.
Also the: INEAS Policy Administration System (PAS) by Celent is available.
For more information about the Online Insurance Software or the Concept you can contact: